Directions to Downtown
Downtown Chandler is easy to get to from any part of the Valley. With close proximity to the 202 and 101 freeways, and just off Arizona SR 87, Downtown Chandler is a convenient destination. Featuring local and authentic restaurants, unique and fun bars, local shopping, Downtown Chandler is the perfect way to entertain friends and family visiting or enjoy a relaxed type of date night experience.

These are best places to park in Downtown Chandler:
FREE Public Parking Garages
- Oregon Street parking garage, Oregon and Chicago streets, anytime
- Overstreet parking garage, Oregon and Buffalo streets, anytime
- City Hall parking garage, 240 S. Washington St., anytime
- The Johnathan parking garage, only after 5 p.m. during the week and all day on weekends
- The Alexander parking garage, only after 5 p.m. during the week and all day on weekends
- Surface parking along Arizona Avenue (from Buffalo to Boston)
- Surface parking on San Marcos Pl.